意大利羊颈烩面皮Maltagliati di Pane with Braised Lamb Neck

  • Prep Time
    2 Hours
  • Cook Time
    90 Mins
  • Type
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To serve


Maltagliati di Pane


For dusting


    Step 1

    把面皮材料中的面粉和细面包糠加1茶匙盐混合,然后挖个井口,把鸡蛋和洋莞荽茸倒入,慢慢揉合(约4-5分钟)成面团后,以保鲜膜包扎,收入冰箱1小时。For maltagliati di pane: combine flour, breadcrumbs and 1 tsp fine salt. Make a well in the centre, add eggs and parsley, knead until smooth (4-5 minutes). Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate to rest (1 hour).

    Step 2

    在工作台面撒少许面粉,把醒发的面团杆成3毫米厚,然后以布覆盖5-10分钟, 跟着把面皮切成2.5公分宽长条,再切成钻石形,放在撒了小麦粉的托盘上,让它晾约3小时至干身。Roll out on a lightly floured surface with a rolling pin to 3mm thick, cover with a damp tea towel and set aside to rest (5-10 minutes). Cut into 2.5cm-wide strips with a fluted pastry wheel, then cut into rough diamonds. Lay on a tray lightly dusted with semolina and set aside to dry (3 hours).

    Step 3

    把烤炉预热至150°C。Preheat oven to 150°C.

    Step 4

    起锅热油,大火把羊颈肉煎3-5分钟至两面转黄后,置放一旁。Heat oil in a large casserole over medium-high heat; add lamb, sear until golden brown (3-5 minutes). Remove lamb and set aside.

    Step 5

    把咸猪肉,大葱,西芹,红萝卜及蒜头放入锅,炒约7-10分钟,然后倒入红酒、番茄、高汤及迷迭香,焖煮一会后加入羊肉,加盖以小火炖煮21⁄2 -2 2⁄3 小时。Add pancetta, onion, celery, carrot and garlic to casserole, stir occasionally until golden (7-10 minutes), deglaze casserole with wine, add tomatoes, stock and rosemary and bring to the simmer. Return the lamb, cover and braise in oven until lamb is very tender (21⁄2 -2 2⁄3 hours).

    Step 6

    把煮熟的羊肉取出,余汤继续煮约8-10分钟至汁稠。Remove lamb with a slotted spoon and set aside. Simmer braising liquid over medium heat until slightly thickened.

    Step 7

    把羊肉拔粗丝,去掉脂肪,放回酱汁里,加入青豆,继续焖煮1分钟后加入醋,保温。Coarsely shred lamb (discard fat and sinew), return to sauce with peas, simmer until just tender (1 minute), add vinegar and keep warm.

    Step 8

    与此同时,煮大锅加盐滚水,把面皮烫3-4分钟至熟,但不要过软,然后滴干,保留约30毫升的水份,一起放入羊肉锅里,搅拌均匀即可。吃时撒上羊芝士和帕美森芝士茸。Meanwhile, cook pasta in a large saucepan of boiling salted water until al dente (3-4 minutes), drain (reserve 30ml pasta water), return to pan with pasta water and lamb and toss to combine. Serve hot scattered with pecorino pepato and parmesan.
